Refractive Program
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We are changing lives by creating vision here at Vance Thompson Vision, especially with our laser-assisted correction surgery (LASIK). At our world-class centers, we set the bar high to create a patient experience that is second to none. We offer LASIK (also known as laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis) with an Excimer laser to reshape the cornea and enhance poor vision.
When the cornea has become too thin for certain laser correction surgeries or unresponsive to other less invasive treatments to correct night vision problems (like halos), we can offer PRK with topography. Results of a PRK procedure are very similar to LASIK vision correction surgeries. In the hopes of addressing this unique vision need for the long term, topography-guided PRK will allow our surgeon to perform this procedure by following a precise mapping of your eye. Vance Thompson Vision is focused on offering state-of-the-art technology as soon as they are available.
LASIK or PRK laser vision correction are often the right options for patients who are considering refractive surgery to improve their vision. However, in patients with higher degrees of nearsightedness, the cornea may be too thin to allow full refractive correction with a laser.
In these cases, surgical implants may be the best alternative. These special devices, called phakic intraocular lenses, act like contact lenses implanted inside the eye to correct high degrees of nearsightedness. These lenses are inserted in front of the eye's natural lens to improve focusing ability.
We use the Visian ICL (implantable collamer lens) at Vance Thompson Vision. The ICL is placed in the posterior chamber, behind the iris and does not require the natural lens to be removed. This procedure is recognized as an alternative to corneal refractive surgeries like LASIK.
The Verisyse ICL is a similar implantable lens, made of medical-grade polymethylmethacrylate, or PMMA. The Verisyse implantable contact lenses is placed in the anterior chamber, in front or your iris. of the lens. Both lenses are FDA approved for the correction of nearsightedness.